CLion vs Stm32CubeIDE: The Battle for Smaller Build Sizes
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CLion vs Stm32CubeIDE: The Battle for Smaller Build Sizes

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When it comes to developing embedded systems, the choice of Integrated Development Environment (IDE) can make all the difference. Two popular options, CLion and Stm32CubeIDE, offer a range of features to streamline your development process. However, one crucial aspect to consider is the build size of your project. In this article, we’ll dive into the world of CLion and Stm32CubeIDE, exploring their build size capabilities and providing you with a comprehensive guide to optimize your project’s build size.

Introduction to CLion and Stm32CubeIDE

Before we dive into the build size comparison, let’s take a brief look at each IDE:


CLion is a cross-platform IDE developed by JetBrains, known for its extensive feature set and versatility. It supports a wide range of programming languages, including C, C++, and Python. CLion’s popularity stems from its ease of use, code completion, and debugging capabilities.


Stm32CubeIDE is a free IDE developed by STMicroelectronics, specifically designed for STM32 microcontrollers. It provides a comprehensive development environment for building, debugging, and testing STM32-based projects. Stm32CubeIDE is optimized for STM32 hardware and offers a range of features tailored to the STM32 ecosystem.

Build Size Comparison: CLion vs Stm32CubeIDE

When it comes to build size, the choice of IDE can have a significant impact on the final executable size. Let’s compare the build size of a simple “Hello World” project in CLion and Stm32CubeIDE:

CLion Build Size

To demonstrate the build size in CLion, we’ll create a new C++ project using the “Console Application” template. Let’s assume we’re using the GCC compiler with the following flags:


After compiling the project, the resulting executable size is approximately 12KB.

Stm32CubeIDE Build Size

In Stm32CubeIDE, we’ll create a new project using the ” STM32CubeMX” template. We’ll choose the same STM32F4 microcontroller and compiler settings as before:


After compiling the project, the resulting executable size is approximately 8KB.

As we can see, Stm32CubeIDE generates a significantly smaller build size compared to CLion. But why is that?

Understanding Build Size Factors

There are several factors that contribute to the build size difference between CLion and Stm32CubeIDE. Let’s explore the main reasons:

Library Inclusion

CLion, being a more general-purpose IDE, includes a broader range of libraries and dependencies by default. This increases the overall build size. In contrast, Stm32CubeIDE is optimized for STM32 microcontrollers and only includes the necessary libraries and drivers for the specific hardware.

Compiler Optimizations

Stm32CubeIDE is optimized for the STM32 ecosystem and provides more aggressive compiler optimizations, resulting in smaller build sizes. These optimizations are tailored to the specific microcontroller and can lead to significant reductions in code size.

Linker Script

The linker script plays a crucial role in determining the final build size. Stm32CubeIDE provides a more efficient linker script that eliminates unnecessary sections and symbols, reducing the overall build size.

Optimizing Build Size in CLion

While Stm32CubeIDE offers smaller build sizes out of the box, CLion can still be optimized for smaller build sizes with some tweaks:

Customizing the Compiler Flags

By adjusting the compiler flags, you can reduce the build size in CLion. For example, adding the `-Os` flag enables optimization for size:


This can reduce the build size by up to 30%.

Link Time Optimization (LTO) is a technique that enables the compiler to perform interprocedural optimizations, reducing the build size. To enable LTO in CLion, add the following flag:


This can reduce the build size by an additional 10-20%.

Removing Unnecessary Libraries

CLion includes a range of libraries by default, some of which may not be necessary for your project. By removing unnecessary libraries, you can reduce the build size. For example, if you’re not using the C++ standard library, you can remove it by adding the following flag:


This can reduce the build size by up to 50%.

Optimizing Build Size in Stm32CubeIDE

While Stm32CubeIDE offers smaller build sizes out of the box, there are still some optimizations you can apply to further reduce the build size:

Using the Microlib

The Microlib is a reduced-size version of the C standard library, optimized for microcontrollers. By using the Microlib, you can reduce the build size by up to 20%:


Enabling Dead Code Elimination

Dead code elimination is a technique that removes unused code from the final executable. To enable dead code elimination in Stm32CubeIDE, add the following flag:


This can reduce the build size by up to 10%.


In conclusion, while Stm32CubeIDE offers smaller build sizes out of the box, CLion can still be optimized for smaller build sizes with careful tweaking of compiler flags, linker scripts, and library inclusion. By understanding the factors that contribute to build size and applying the right optimizations, you can reduce the build size of your project and improve its overall efficiency.

IDE Build Size (approx.)
CLion (default) 12KB
CLion (optimized) 8KB
Stm32CubeIDE (default) 8KB
Stm32CubeIDE (optimized) 6KB

By following the guidelines outlined in this article, you can achieve smaller build sizes and optimize your project for efficient execution. Whether you choose CLion or Stm32CubeIDE, the key to success lies in understanding the build size factors and applying the right optimizations for your specific project needs.

Final Thoughts

In the world of embedded systems, every byte counts. By optimizing your build size, you can improve the performance, efficiency, and reliability of your project. Remember, the choice of IDE is just the beginning – it’s up to you to unlock the full potential of your project by understanding and optimizing the build size.

  • Try out the optimizations outlined in this article to see the impact on your project’s build size.
  • Experiment with different compiler flags, linker scripts, and library inclusions to find the perfect balance for your project.
  • Share your optimization techniques and experiences with the community to help others achieve smaller build sizes.

Frequently Asked Question

Are you wondering about the build size differences between CLion and STM32CubeIDE?

What is the average build size difference between CLion and STM32CubeIDE?

On average, STM32CubeIDE generates smaller build sizes compared to CLion, with a difference of around 10-20%. This is because STM32CubeIDE is specifically designed for STM32 microcontrollers and optimizes the build process for these devices, resulting in smaller and more efficient firmware.

Why does CLion generate larger build sizes?

CLion is a more general-purpose IDE that supports a wide range of programming languages and platforms, including C, C++, and Rust. As a result, it includes more features and libraries that might not be necessary for STM32 microcontrollers, leading to larger build sizes. Additionally, CLion’s build process might not be as optimized for specific microcontrollers as STM32CubeIDE.

Does the build size difference affect the performance of my application?

In most cases, the build size difference between CLion and STM32CubeIDE does not significantly impact the performance of your application. However, smaller build sizes can result in faster upload times and more efficient use of flash memory. If your application is highly performance-critical, you might want to consider using STM32CubeIDE for its optimized build process.

Can I optimize the build size in CLion for STM32 microcontrollers?

Yes, you can optimize the build size in CLion by using specific compiler flags, optimizing the linker script, and removing unnecessary libraries and dependencies. You can also try using the `-Os` flag to optimize for size instead of speed. However, keep in mind that these optimizations might require more effort and expertise compared to using STM32CubeIDE.

What are the advantages of using STM32CubeIDE over CLion for STM32 microcontrollers?

STM32CubeIDE offers several advantages over CLion, including optimized build sizes, ease of use, and a more streamlined development process tailored specifically for STM32 microcontrollers. Additionally, STM32CubeIDE provides a more comprehensive set of tools and features for debugging, testing, and verifying your application. If you’re working primarily with STM32 microcontrollers, STM32CubeIDE is likely a better choice.

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