The Mysterious Case of the Goroutine Not Starting in a Shared Library
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The Mysterious Case of the Goroutine Not Starting in a Shared Library

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Are you struggling to get your goroutine up and running in a shared library? You’re not alone! Many Go developers have faced this frustrating issue, and it’s time to shed some light on the solution.

Table of Contents

What is a Goroutine, Anyway?

Before we dive into the problem, let’s take a step back and understand what a goroutine is. In Go, a goroutine is a lightweight thread that can run concurrently with other goroutines. It’s a powerful feature that allows developers to write efficient, concurrent code. Goroutines are scheduled by the Go runtime, which takes care of allocating resources and managing the execution of these threads.

The Issue with Shared Libraries

Shared libraries are a great way to reuse code across multiple applications. However, when it comes to goroutines, things can get a bit tricky. When you try to start a goroutine in a shared library, it might not start at all! This can be due to several reasons, which we’ll explore in this article.

Reason 1: `init()` not called

One common reason why a goroutine might not start in a shared library is that the `init()` function is not being called. In Go, the `init()` function is responsible for initializing the package. If the `init()` function is not called, the goroutine will not start.

To fix this issue, make sure that you’re importing the shared library correctly in your main application. You can do this by adding the following line to your main file:

import _ "path/to/shared/library"

This will ensure that the `init()` function is called, and your goroutine should start as expected.

Reason 2: Runtime not initialized

Another reason why a goroutine might not start is that the Go runtime is not initialized. This can happen if you’re using a C-based shared library that doesn’t initialize the Go runtime.

To fix this issue, you’ll need to initialize the Go runtime manually. You can do this by calling the `runtime_runtime` function:

package main

import (

func main() {
	runtime.Goexit() // initialize the runtime
	// start your goroutine here

This will ensure that the Go runtime is initialized, and your goroutine should start correctly.

How to Debug the Issue

Debugging a goroutine that’s not starting can be tricky. Here are some steps you can follow to identify the problem:

  1. Check the import statement: Make sure that you’re importing the shared library correctly in your main application.

  2. Verify the `init()` function: Check that the `init()` function is being called by adding a log statement or a breakpoint.

  3. Check the runtime initialization: Verify that the Go runtime is initialized by calling the `runtime.runtime` function manually.

  4. Use the `runtime` package: Use the `runtime` package to get more information about the goroutine. You can use the `runtime.NumGoroutine` function to check the number of running goroutines.

  5. Check for blocking calls: Make sure that there are no blocking calls that might be preventing the goroutine from starting.

Best Practices for Using Goroutines in Shared Libraries

Here are some best practices to keep in mind when using goroutines in shared libraries:

  • Keep it simple: Avoid complex logic in your shared library. Instead, focus on providing a simple API that can be used by multiple applications.

  • Use channels: Channels are a great way to communicate between goroutines. Use them to send and receive data between different parts of your application.

  • Avoid global state: Global state can make it difficult to debug issues with goroutines. Instead, use local variables and channels to communicate between goroutines.

  • Test thoroughly: Test your shared library thoroughly to ensure that it works as expected in different scenarios.

Example Code

Here’s an example of a shared library that starts a goroutine:

package mylib

import (

var (
	mu   sync.RWMutex
	data = make(map[string]string)

func init() {
	fmt.Println("Initializing mylib")

func StartGoroutine() {
	go func() {
		fmt.Println("Goroutine started")

In this example, the `init()` function is called when the shared library is imported. The `StartGoroutine()` function starts a new goroutine that prints a message to the console.


In this article, we’ve explored the issue of goroutines not starting in shared libraries. We’ve covered the reasons why this might happen, how to debug the issue, and best practices for using goroutines in shared libraries. By following these guidelines, you should be able to create efficient, concurrent code that works as expected.

Reason Solution
`init()` not called Import the shared library correctly
Runtime not initialized Initialize the runtime manually

We hope this article has been helpful in resolving the issue of goroutines not starting in shared libraries. Happy coding!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “Goroutine not starting in shared library” in HTML format with a creative voice and tone:

Frequently Asked Question

Got stuck with Goroutine not starting in your shared library? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Check out these frequently asked questions to get back on track.

Why doesn’t my Goroutine start when I call it from a shared library?

This could be because Goroutines are scheduled by the Go runtime, which only runs in the main executable, not in shared libraries. To fix this, you can use `runtime.LockOSThread()` to ensure the Goroutine is scheduled on the main thread.

How do I ensure my Goroutine is running in the main thread?

You can use `runtime.LockOSThread()` to lock the current Goroutine to the main thread. This ensures that the Goroutine will be scheduled on the main thread, allowing it to run correctly in a shared library.

What if I need to use a C library that blocks the main thread?

In this case, you can use a separate Goroutine to call the C library, and use a channel to communicate with the main Goroutine. This allows the main thread to remain free for scheduling other Goroutines.

Can I use `syscall.Syscall` to call a C function that blocks the main thread?

No, `syscall.Syscall` will still block the main thread. Instead, use a separate Goroutine to call the C function, or use a library that provides a non-blocking interface to the C function.

How do I debug a Goroutine that’s not starting in a shared library?

Use the Go debugging tools, such as `go run -race` or `go debug`, to trace the execution of your Goroutine. You can also add logging statements to your code to see where the Goroutine is getting stuck.

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