Unleashing the Power of Custom Jetty WebSocketPolicy with Spring6 / Spring Boot 3 Web Sockets
Image by Erich - hkhazo.biz.id

Unleashing the Power of Custom Jetty WebSocketPolicy with Spring6 / Spring Boot 3 Web Sockets

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WebSocket technology has revolutionized the way web applications communicate with their clients. It enables bidirectional, real-time communication, making it an essential tool for building modern web applications. In this article, we’ll dive into the world of custom Jetty WebSocketPolicy with Spring6 / Spring Boot 3 Web Sockets, and explore how to harness its power to create robust and scalable web applications.

What is Jetty WebSocketPolicy?

Jetty WebSocketPolicy is a crucial component of the Jetty WebSocket implementation. It’s responsible for managing the WebSocket connection lifecycle, including the initial handshake, connection establishment, and message processing. A custom WebSocketPolicy allows developers to fine-tune the WebSocket behavior, tailoring it to their specific application needs.

In many cases, the default WebSocketPolicy provided by Jetty may not suffice for complex web applications. Here are some scenarios where a custom policy becomes necessary:

  • Custom authentication and authorization: You may need to implement custom authentication mechanisms or integrate with existing authentication systems.

  • Resource constraints: You might need to control the maximum number of connections, messages, or payload sizes to prevent resource depletion.

  • Error handling: A custom policy allows you to define custom error handling strategies, ensuring that your application remains responsive even in the face of errors.

  • Custom messaging protocols: If you need to support proprietary messaging protocols or non-standard WebSocket behaviors, a custom policy is the way to go.

Setting Up Spring6 / Spring Boot 3 Web Sockets

Before we dive into creating a custom Jetty WebSocketPolicy, let’s set up a basic Spring6 / Spring Boot 3 Web Sockets project.

Create a new Spring Boot project using your preferred method (e.g., using Spring Initializr or by creating a new project from scratch). Add the following dependencies to your pom.xml file (if you’re using Maven) or your build.gradle file (if you’re using Gradle):



dependencies {
  implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-websocket'
  implementation 'org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-websocket'

Configuring Web Sockets in Spring Boot

Create a new configuration class that enables Web Sockets in your Spring Boot application:

public class WebSocketConfig implements WebSocketConfigurer {
  public void registerWebSocketHandlers(WebSocketHandlerRegistry registry) {
    registry.addHandler(myWebSocketHandler(), "/websocket").setAllowedOrigins("*");
  public MyWebSocketHandler myWebSocketHandler() {
    return new MyWebSocketHandler();

In this example, we’ve created a WebSocketConfig class that enables Web Sockets and registers a MyWebSocketHandler instance to handle WebSocket connections.

Creating a Custom Jetty WebSocketPolicy

Now that we have our Web Sockets set up, let’s create a custom Jetty WebSocketPolicy to manage our WebSocket connections.

Step 1: Creating a Custom WebSocketPolicy Class

Create a new class that implements the WebSocketPolicy interface:

public class MyWebSocketPolicy implements WebSocketPolicy {
  public void checkOrigin(UriRequest req, WebSocketServletFactory factory) {
    // Custom origin check logic
  public boolean isWebSocketEnabled(ServletContext servletContext) {
    // Custom WebSocket enablement logic
    return true;
  public int getMaxIdleTimeout() {
    // Custom idle timeout
    return 30000;
  public int getMaxTextMessageSize() {
    // Custom text message size
    return 16384;
  public int getMaxBinaryMessageSize() {
    // Custom binary message size
    return 524288;
  public void onWebSocketClose(int statusCode, String reason) {
    // Custom WebSocket closure logic

In this example, we’ve overridden the checkOrigin, isWebSocketEnabled, getMaxIdleTimeout, getMaxTextMessageSize, and getMaxBinaryMessageSize methods to implement custom logic for our WebSocket connections.

Step 2: Registering the Custom WebSocketPolicy

To register our custom WebSocketPolicy, we need to create a custom JettyWebSocketConfigurer class:

public class CustomJettyWebSocketConfigurer implements JettyWebSocketConfigurer {
  public void configureWebSocketSettings(JettyWebSocketSettings settings) {
    settings.setWebSocketPolicy(new MyWebSocketPolicy());

In this example, we’ve created a CustomJettyWebSocketConfigurer class that registers our custom MyWebSocketPolicy instance with the Jetty WebSocket settings.

Testing the Custom Jetty WebSocketPolicy

To test our custom WebSocketPolicy, let’s create a simple WebSocket client using the wscat command-line tool:

wscat -c ws://localhost:8080/websocket

This will establish a WebSocket connection to our Spring Boot application. You can then send messages to the server and verify that our custom WebSocketPolicy is enforced.

Troubleshooting Tips

When implementing a custom Jetty WebSocketPolicy, you may encounter issues with connection establishment or message processing. Here are some troubleshooting tips to keep in mind:

  • Verify that your custom WebSocketPolicy is registered correctly by checking the Jetty WebSocket settings.

  • Use a WebSocket debugging tool, such as the Chrome DevTools, to inspect WebSocket messages and identify issues.

  • Check the server logs for errors or exceptions related to the custom WebSocketPolicy.

  • Test your custom WebSocketPolicy with different WebSocket clients to ensure compatibility.

Scenario Solution
Custom authentication fails Verify that your custom authentication logic is correct and properly integrated with the WebSocketPolicy.
WebSocket connections are not established Check that the custom WebSocketPolicy is registered correctly and that the WebSocket endpoint is properly configured.
Messages are not processed correctly Verify that your custom message processing logic is correct and properly integrated with the WebSocketPolicy.


In this article, we’ve explored the world of custom Jetty WebSocketPolicy with Spring6 / Spring Boot 3 Web Sockets. By creating a custom WebSocketPolicy, we’ve gained fine-grained control over our WebSocket connections, allowing us to tailor our application to specific business needs. Remember to test your custom WebSocketPolicy thoroughly and troubleshoot any issues that arise during implementation.

With the power of custom Jetty WebSocketPolicy, you can unlock the full potential of Web Sockets in your Spring Boot applications, enabling real-time communication and creating a more engaging user experience. Happy coding!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “Custom Jetty WebSocketPolicy with Spring6 / Spring Boot 3 Web Sockets”:

Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to your burning questions about customizing Jetty WebSocketPolicy with Spring6 and Spring Boot 3 Web Sockets.

What is WebSocketPolicy and why do I need to customize it?

WebSocketPolicy is a configuration class in Jetty that defines the settings for WebSocket connections. You may need to customize it to suit your application’s specific requirements, such as setting a specific idle timeout or maximum message size. Customizing WebSocketPolicy allows you to fine-tune your WebSocket connections for optimal performance and security.

How do I create a custom WebSocketPolicy in Spring6 and Spring Boot 3?

To create a custom WebSocketPolicy in Spring6 and Spring Boot 3, you need to create a Java configuration class that implements the WebSocketConfigurer interface. In this class, you can override the default WebSocketPolicy settings by creating a custom WebSocketPolicy instance and configuring its properties as needed.

What are some common WebSocketPolicy settings I should consider customizing?

Some common WebSocketPolicy settings you may want to consider customizing include the idle timeout, maximum message size, and allowed origins. You may also want to configure settings such as the WebSocket version, subprotocols, and extension factories depending on your application’s specific requirements.

How do I inject my custom WebSocketPolicy into my Spring Boot 3 application?

To inject your custom WebSocketPolicy into your Spring Boot 3 application, you need to register it as a bean in your application configuration class. You can do this by annotating your custom WebSocketPolicy class with the @Bean annotation and defining it as a WebSocketPolicy instance.

Are there any security considerations I should keep in mind when customizing WebSocketPolicy?

Yes, when customizing WebSocketPolicy, you should consider security implications such as preventing cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks by configuring allowed origins and setting appropriate security headers. You should also ensure that your custom WebSocketPolicy settings do not compromise the security of your application or expose sensitive data.